Local Economic Development Services
Your entry point into Barre. BADC is a nonprofit economic development corporation that has been serving the Town of Barre and City of Barre since 1961. Their job is to assist entrepreneurs, business owners and managers in obtaining labor force training, financing, real estate for sale or lease and networking opportunities. They also provide information about permitting and regulatory requirements, energy savings opportunities, and continuation of operations. BADC provides or obtains technical assistance and when needed, can act as a liaison between city and town departments and State agencies of government. They will work closely with business owners to provide advice to strengthen or expand their operations, find improved ways to achieve results, obtain solutions to business challenges and be introduced to others in the community who can help.
barrevt.com | (802) 476-0660 | info@badc.com | Facebook | YouTube
The Barre Partnership is the Granite City’s Downtown Organization. Founded in 1999, the organization produces events throughout the year including the Barre Heritage Festival, Concerts in Currier Park, Food Truck Thursdays, the Barre Farmer’s Market, the Granite City 5K Run/Walk for Veterans, Barre Home Brew Festival and Competition, and also collaborates with area businesses to increase economic activity. Because of the Partnership’s designated status, property owners within the designated downtown have accessed almost $1 million in tax credits from the State of Vermont, which in turn has leveraged over $7 million in economic development activity in the downtown.
thebarrepartnership.com | (802) 477-2967 | director@thebarrepartnership.com | Facebook | Instagram
The City of Barre has a Department of Planning, Permitting and Inspection Services with a full-time Director. For more information about zoning and permits in Barre City, click here.
barrecity.org | PPADirector@barrecity.org | (802) 476-0245
The Town of Barre has a Planning and Zoning Department with two full-time employees, a Zoning and Planning Administrator and Administrative Assistant. For more information about land use in Barre Town, click here.
barretown.org | (802) 479-2595| cviolette@barretown.org
Regional Economic Development Services
CVEDC is a regional development corporation serving Central Vermont. They serve as a catalyst for industrial and economic growth in Central Vermont and are an excellent resource for information about State of Vermont programs to assist businesses. Their focus is on business growth & development, relocation, nontraditional business loans, regulatory assistance & education, and workforce training & development throughout Central Vermont.
cvedc.org | (802) 223-4654 | info@cvedc.org
The Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce actively markets Barre and surrounding communities as a great place to visit, live and do business. The Chamber has a 50-year history of partnering with Barre Area Development and maintains extensive economic and demographic data on the market area. Barre ranks first in the county in population and in retail sales. The Chamber is a membership organization that represents central Vermont businesses through events, lobbying and marketing.
centralvt.com | (802) 229-5711 info@centralvt.com | Facebook
The mission of the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission is to assist member municipalities in providing effective local government and to work cooperatively with them to address regional issues. They assist in land use, regional planning, transportation, energy planning, municipal planning, and more.
centralvtplanning.org | (802) 229-0389 | cvrpc@cvregion.com
Business and Technical Assistance Organizations
Since 1992, the Vermont Small Business Development Center has provided no-cost professional expertise and guidance to hundreds of business owners. They combine one-on-one confidential advising with training programs to give our clients the tools and insight they need to reach their business goals. VtSBDC can assist with areas including startup planning, financing, sales/marketing, growth strategies, financial management, and operations
vtsbdc.org | (802) 223-4654 | Contact
Founded in 1965 and headquartered in downtown Barre, Capstone Community Action is a nonprofit community development corporation serving greater Central Vermont and beyond. Capstone’s programs focus on economic opportunity and building stronger communities. Specifically, Capstone can assist with micro business development, tax preparation, workforce development, and savings & credit programs.
capstonevt.org | (802) 479-1053/1-800-639-1053 | Facebook | Instagram
VMEC is a Vermont resource and trusted advisor to enterprises of all sizes. They provide one-on-one support and services through field engineers to Vermont’s small and mid-sized manufacturers. VMEC’s goal is to assist Vermont manufacturers to increase productivity, modernize processes, and improve competitiveness. Ongoing training opportunities designed specifically for manufacturers are also offered. VMEC is the official representative of the MEP National Network in Vermont.
vmec.org | (802) 728-1432 | vmec@vmec.org
SCORE is a network of experienced business people who can provide small business owners with advice on business planning and management. Clients are matched with a SCORE counselor whose experience matches a business owner’s needs. To find a Mentor, cleck here.
www.score.org | (802) 764-5899 | scorevermont@scorevolunteer.org
Vermont Technology Alliance is a membership organization with a mission to represent and support the state’s growing number of technology companies that are creating high-skilled, high-paying jobs. Originally established as the Vermont Software Development Alliance, the organization offers networking opportunities and collaboration to help its members promote their products and services. They advocate on behalf of their members and help to organize collective marketing, increasing exposure to potential customers. To learn more, click here, or become a member and attend monthly meetings.
Through a series of educational, technical assistance, and networking opportunities, WAgN works to increase the number of women owning and operating profitable farms and ag-related businesses, as well as their profile in leadership positions throughout the agricultural sectors of business, government and community.
uvm.edu/wagn/ | (802) 223-2389 | mary.peabody@uvm.edu | Facebook
The Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE) is a non-profit economic empowerment organization whose mission is to strengthen communities and the economy by supporting women to launch and successfully sustain businesses. Opened in 2016, the Vermont Women’s Business Center operates in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration. We offer consultations, workshops and networking opportunities to help you reach your entrepreneurial goals.
cweonline.org | (802) 391-4870 | Info.Vermont@CWEonline.org | Facebook
Workforce Development and Employment Services
The Vermont Training Program is a flexible, customizable program available through the State of Vermont designed to grow the skill set of an employer’s workforce. This is done by partnering with participating businesses to design training programs related to new products, equipment, market opportunities, or technologies that boost innovation and productivity. This can be done through on-the-job training or an outside provider. Training can be costly, so grants through the program may cover up to 50% of the training cost. The program has helped local employers such as Advanced Power Conversion Solutions of Barre Town train employees in the capacitor manufacturing field, Trow and Holden of Barre City train workers towards becoming ISO certified as well as LEAN trainings, Central Vermont Medical Center train nurses, and Green Mountain Transit to educate employees on bus operation and maintenance. The program is available to small and large businesses alike. Visit accd.vermont.gov/economic-development/funding-incentives/vtp to learn more about the Vermont Training Program.
Located in nearby Randolph, Vermont Tech College (VTC) is a Vermont State College that emphasizes practical learning. With over 45 hands-on programs, they provide career-focused, technical, and specialized education to prepare students for immediate workplace success and continued learning. VTC also offers Continuing Education & Workforce Development, STEM programming, online/hybrid courses, career services, and an employee partner program.
Visit vtc.edu to learn more.
Serving Barre and other surrounding school districts, the Central Vermont Career Center proudly reaches far beyond the Central Vermont area to serve its learning population. As a part of the Central Vermont Career Center, The Adult Education Program supports regional training initiatives and provides a supportive learning environment that helps prepare participants to meet future opportunities. Adult Education courses are a magnet for area residents for training, skill acquisition, workforce development, and career changes. Numbers in the program have increased dramatically, and course offerings have expanded over the years to include both cultural courses and those that lead to higher level industry credentials.
Visit cvtcc.org to learn more.
Vermont JobLink is a web-based job-matching and labor market information system. Vermont JobLink provides job seekers, employers, and training providers with easy-to-use tools that support a wide range of activities. As a service of the public workforce system, Vermont JobLink is completely free for you to use. You only need a computer and internet access to do the following:
Create and post a resume or job posting
Determine whether you’re eligible for state- or federally funded workforce programs
Search for the ideal job or job candidate
Search for the ideal training or service provider
Research labor market information
And much more!
Check out vermontjoblink.com to learn more.
CVABE offers instruction in learning basic skills (reading, writing, math and computer literacy), English language that prepares the student for U.S. citizenship, credential programs for high school diplomas and GED®, and college and career readiness. CVABE’s adult education services are designed to help adult learners (16 years and older) in Central Vermont’s Washington, Orange and Lamoille Counties.
Visit cvabe.org to learn more.
The Vermont Talent Pipeline addresses the talent supply gap by connecting employer needs with training programs and funding resources to better prepare the labor force with job-ready skills. The TPM model was founded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) and is currently involved in a national rollout. Vermont has helped set the standard for the country as the first statewide implementation with employer collaboratives in 3 critical industries: Construction, Healthcare and Advanced Manufacturing.
Check out vermonttpm.org to learn more.